No. 20 (2017)

The city, war and Jesuits: Jesuit’s mission in Košice during the anti-Habsburg uprising

Peter Federčák
Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice

Published 2017-10-30


  • Hungary,
  • Slovakia,
  • Košice,
  • early modern period,
  • Jesuits,
  • Anti-Habsburg uprisings,
  • recatholisation,
  • counter-reformation
  • ...More

How to Cite

Federčák, P. (2017). The city, war and Jesuits: Jesuit’s mission in Košice during the anti-Habsburg uprising. Theatrum Historiae, (20), 47–64. Retrieved from


The study sets as its objective to characterize three lines of force majeure – Habsburgs, Church and rebels, which met in Košice during the anti-Habsburg uprisings, and to present a cultural, religious and power struggle of Košice during that time (1604–1711). The contacts between Jesuits and the city of Košice started in 1563 with the visit of Jesuits from Trnava and in 1582 of Antonio Possevino and continued by the mission of Peter Pázmány (1601) and two murdered Jesuits (1619) to the foundation of the College and University in the middle of 17th century. The last two uprisings (in 1680s respectively 1700s) represented only the pause in the process of Recatholisation of the city.


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